Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to Monsters Like To Eat!


Hello there!

Welcome to Monsters Like To Eat, this blog used to be called NomNomzzz (which has since moved here) but we have decided to change it because we have decided to take a different approach towards the way we blog!

Just so you guys didn't know, we are pretty crazy in real life if you know us in person. The blog name originated from us behaving like monsters travelling around Singapore looking for good food, though this is not a daily thing. (We love simple food just like any true blue, Singaporeans out there) Our aim is to share with you the good places that we have gone and also the places which we made mistakes at to help assist you (in choosing the best food at restaurants and finding nice places).

Let me give you a brief introduction about me, I'm Nicole and I can't eat anything with strong meaty smells. Like Beef and Mutton. It's funny how me and Gabriel complement each other. I don't eat uncooked vegetables and only cooked vegetables. Salad, Coleslaw? Not for me, I'm born in a typical Chinese family whereby everything is cooked and being a Buddhist. I'm forbid to eat beef at home and it has become a habit for me but I do have exceptions. And oh, I don't like drinking or alcohol. I've always felt that it's a waste of money.

Unlike me, Gabriel doesn't eat cooked vegetables. He can eat coleslaw and salad but not fried vegetables? So WTF right! Anyway, his preferences are as follows: beef -> lamb -> pork -> chicken -> fish. He is okay with enjoying good beers with his meals but just like me, he doesn't really like the fact that people should drink without any reason. Gabriel seldom eats Chinese Food as much as others even though he is a Perenakan. For me, I would say he is more knowledgeable in Japanese Food then Chinese Food. Unfortunately, he has an uncanny taste for good Japanese food, and will never reject a meal at a Japanese restaurant (ever, unless it's from the Suki group)

Okay, I'm about to be done. Be patient while we update our posts. We shall conclude with our disclaimer: All these are based on our personal preferences. You may think differently, so to each his own! It's okay to think differently!

Welcome to Monsters.

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